Oct 29, 2019 | Art, Café, panke.gallery, router.gallery
router.gallery 008Tropical Bot Safarishttp://router.gallery/exhibition008.html 31 October 2019, 18:00 – 22:00Panke.gallerycurated by Gabriel Menotti http://router.gallery — website for the router-gallery-space at Panke Club Context:Come experience artificial wildlife...
Sep 23, 2018 | panke.gallery
1990s berlin was one of the centres of net art. in the new spaces of possibility of the reunited city, the first works of net art were techno(logical) and artistic experiments that grew out of the proximity of club and lab, in terms of both protagonists and locations....
Jul 27, 2018 | Art, August 1st - 7th, panke.gallery, Performances, Slideshow
R wird überall gehypt. Aber wer hat diese neue Dimension wirklich verstanden? Um es zu verstehen, muss man es zunächst einmal erleben. Wir, die kulturellen Erben, kennen uns ein wenig mit Graffiti aus und spüren auch eine Verantwortung gegenüber der Kultur, die uns...
Jul 9, 2018 | Art, july 9th - 16th, panke.gallery, PS+ Gaming Dj Night
Artists Presentation by Sebastian Lütgert (GER) Screening: Emipre (2008–2012) by Philip Solomon ⧉ Parallel II (2014) by Harun Farocki (US) 11 ???? 7 ?? — 10 ?? (free entry) ⌮ eGames – the art of serious games The invention of video games created a new...
Jul 2, 2018 | Art, Gaming night, July 1st - 7th, panke.gallery
E∿GAMES – THE ART OF SERIOUS GAMES The invention of video games created a new form of gaming culture. In the series “eGames”, which runs from April to August, panke.gallery presents works from Berlin-based artists who use video games and related...
Jun 25, 2018 | Art, Gaming night, June 25th - 30, panke.gallery, PS+ Gaming Dj Night
Artists Presentation by RITES Network (HU) Screening: Frag (2008) by Mike Pasley (US) 27 June 7 pm — 10 pm (free entry) E-GAMES THE ART OF SERIOUS GAMES The invention of video games created a new form of gaming culture. In the series “eGames”, which...