Oct 15, 2017 | Ocotober 18th - 21st, Poetry Slam, WeddingSlam
Wedding Poety Slam – Der nördlichste Poetry Slam in Berlin – Panke Gerichtstr. 23 Einlass: 19:30 Start: 20:30 Eintritt: 6 € mit Marie Kempter Lucas Schemenz Ortwin Bader-Iskraut Josefine Berkholz Marie Clara Groppler MCs Wolf Hogekamp Robin Julian Isenberg Der...
Oct 15, 2017 | Ocotober 18th - 21st, panke.gallery, Talk
Artist lecture by !@SeX#─────██████████════█ #idnSTREETart and the shortcut technic ABOUT ARTIST !@SeX#─────██████████════█ take a stand against the mainstream, the loss of freedom and of opportunities for participation, as well as against the disappearance of public...