Oct 29, 2019 | Café, Music, open decks
Deck 2 Deck lädt Mittwoch, den 30. Oktober, in die Panke ein für unsere wöchentliche Vinyl Session. Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen, ein paar Runden Tischtennis spielen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier mies bouncen?...
Sep 7, 2018 | Jam Session, Music, open decks
Beatz in the flOw Occurring Ones a month We will continue the Series Of the beatmakers event…? We will be inviting different beatmakers and producers from Berlin and all Over the WOrld to cOme tOgether in Our beautiful space tO share their music and talents....
May 21, 2018 | Jam Session, May 21st - 28th, Music, Open Booth, open decks
Wedding record collectors community has to grow bigger, spread wider and shine like it’s golden. We invite everyone who’s capable selecting a wide range of rare, global and unique sounds from across the genre.
May 6, 2018 | Jam Session, May 7th - 14th, Music, open decks, Panke bar event, Producer's Best Friend
Episode V PBF is an open platform for Beat producers/Composers who can find their perfect match within the beat cipher!!! Bring your Sp, Mpc, machine……whatever! To all the MCs and Singers————OPEN MIC———-> load...
Mar 26, 2018 | Gaming night, Jam Session, March 28th - 31th, Music, open decks, PS+ Gaming Dj Night
PS+ is equally about music and games. Online diggers and best underground dj’s come to hang out IRL> From action-adventure blockbuster on screen to hi tech soul groover on a deck. DJs/Gamers: Ernst Lilja Fingalick O Free...
Mar 14, 2018 | March 21th - 24th, Open Booth, open decks
OPEN BOOTH curated by Krzysztof Pomarancza & Kai Mun Wedding record collectors community has to grow bigger, spread wider and shine like it’s golden. We invite everyone who’s capable selecting wide range of rare, global and unique sounds from across the genre....