
WeddingSlam #33 – Der Poetry Slam im Norden

10802004_801593246572749_298605986618407107_nWeddingSlam #33
[Der Poetry Slam im Norden]

Einlass: 19:30 | Start: 20:30
Panke – Gerichtstr. 23

An jedem Dritten Donnerstag im Monat laden Wolf Hogekamp und Robin Isenberg zum Dichterwettstreit in der Panke ein. Den musikalischen Salut erweisen uns die Jungs von Wedding Soul.

MC’s: Wolf Hogekamp | Robin Isenberg


Florian Wintels | Paderborn
Piet Weber | Berlin
Pauline Cebulla | Berlin
Katharina Huboi | Berlin
Paul Hofmann | Berlin
Flora Gräf | Potsdam

Eintritt: 5€


version x TEKLIFE

A night blending the sounds of footwork and bass music, featuring Loefah of Swamp81.

ANDRIUS MAMONTOVAS su grupe | Berlynas

Lithuanian musician and artist Andrius Mamontovas is preparing an energetic evening, during which not only popular, but also the most rock-fuelled songs of the artist and the group FOJE will be performed.

Burre in Panke 

BURRE’s fresh event is a presentation of continuous search for the new senses, showcasing an eclectic, yet effective combination of improvisational, performative practices including, but not limited by music medium.