
Wedding Soul w/ Jazzanova

New year, new luck!

We are happy to announce the first event in 2017, with two great guests from Berlin; Jazzanova’s Alexander Barck and Stefan Leisering. Besides the whole Beatkollektiv crew.


Alexander Barck (Jazzanova / Sonar Kollektiv)
Stefan Leisering (Jazzanova / Notes On A Journey / Sonar Kollektiv)


For almost twenty years the eclectic collective from Berlin has been busy producing, composing, arranging, remixing, djing and generally shaping our musical world – in the clubs, on the air, in the studio, live on stage, and with their label Sonar Kollektiv.

Their “very fertile musical world” (Time Out New York) “has dominated the jazz-dance and down-tempo scenes for the past few years, both with its own label and with countless remixes” (Phoenix New Times).

Spreading their sounds and ideas with inspired DJ sets, Jazzanova’s DJs were among the first DJs from Berlin in demand all around the world. Juergen von Knoblauch, Alex Barck and Claas Brieler broaden the music’s appeal as DJs, not only on tour through the best clubs and festivals around the world but also on their weekly Kaleidoskop radio show on Radio1.

* * * * * * *
www check this.jazzanova.com

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R9FIA Takeover: Foot Therapy

Born in uncharted realm of the internet, R9FIA RADIO’s spark started to burst forth with a dedication to showcasing innovative sounds and genres that push the boundaries of electronic music.


Algomystica is an event series focused on experimental performance practices merging a broad range of scope and interests, spanning from computer music, to free improvisation, augmented and prepared acoustic instruments, live coding, circuit bending and everything in between.


We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.