VJ London meet ups at Juno and VJ Union Berlin Meeting at Panke have teamed up to run their August editions parallel and intertwined.
This synchronisation celebrates VJ/new media based events, aims to facilitate an exchange between the artists in both cities, and potentially leads to some interesting telematic (or networked) creative outcomes.
On this evening we will run our usual activities. We will also stream a presentation to each side. But most excitingly, we want to interact with each other both technically and socially.
-Do you know of any interesting networked tools?
-Are you experienced or interested of remote controlling someone else’s computer or software, or even just feeding your clips to them?
-Are you interested in VJ’ing from a different location than where the output is?
If you’re interested in this we encourage people to team up with a partner from the other side. How this is facilitated is up to you. An example would be someone using the same software. Or someone who knows less about telematic activities with someone who knows more.
VDMX reps will be attending and offering free stickers and we will run a random draw for VMDX licences!
Please use the event page as a forum for call outs and matching.
Also please post any suggestions for how we can manage this technically. Community all the way!