Vegan bistro menu of the week

22nd – 16th January

Suppe oder Salat

Knödel mit Pfefferrahmsauce, Maronen mit Rotkraut

Apfelkuchen mit Streusel


14th – 19 of January

Schnittlauchbrot und Radieschenpesto

Pfifferlingrahmsauce mit Semmelknödel



7th – 12th of January

Lollo Rosso und Eichblatt mit Endivien, Mango, fritierter Tofu, Fruchtdressing und geröstete Sonnenblumen und Kürbiskerne

Chili con Valley mit Paprika, vegane carne, zweierlei Bohnen, vegane Sahne und Brot

Apfelkuchen mit streusel

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R9FIA Takeover: Foot Therapy

Born in uncharted realm of the internet, R9FIA RADIO’s spark started to burst forth with a dedication to showcasing innovative sounds and genres that push the boundaries of electronic music.


Algomystica is an event series focused on experimental performance practices merging a broad range of scope and interests, spanning from computer music, to free improvisation, augmented and prepared acoustic instruments, live coding, circuit bending and everything in between.


We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.