Aug 27, 2019 | Café
Panke presents Sunday brunch by KRONDOS Our vegan brunch menu includes: Hum Fluids:Hummus Soup with veggies, Pine nuts & more tasty ingredients! Red Light Salad:Beetroot, Wine Grapes, Chia seeds, Aceto Balsamico – and more mouth-watering elements! Eco...
Jul 15, 2019 | Café
Tiefenentspannt, mit diesem Adjektiv lässt sich unser Sommer Gedöns am besten beschreiben. DJs: LeBob & friends
Jul 10, 2019 | Café
War schön letzten Sonntag. Lass uns das nochmal machen. OK! DJ:LeBob
May 29, 2019 | Café
Come to our cozy nook between Pank- and Gerichtstraße at the beatiful Wedding Coastline ;)Chill in our garden, make yourself comfy inside, check out Panke.Gallery, enjoy some beats, let the day drift into our evening events… of course with...