Jan 10, 2020 | Café
Hip Hop | Lo-Fi | Breaks | Beats | 808 | Ambient | Chill-Out | Funk | Jazz | Disco | Electric Boogie | Electro Funk | Big Beat | Boom Bap | Alternative Urban Music Krekpek Records Night w/- Figub Brazlevič (Berlin | Beat-Set & DJ-Set)- Sátyr (Munich | Beat-Set)-...
Dec 31, 2019 | Café
??????We will be inviting different Beatmakers PrOducers frOm Berlin and all Over the wOrld tO cOme together in Our beautiful space tO share their music and talents. ♥ PrOducers and Djs ? DJ Werdhttps://soundcloud.com/dj-werd Dj GArRinchATROPICAL DIASPORA®...
Aug 22, 2019 | Café
We will be inviting different Beatmakers and Hip HOp PrOducers frOm Berlin and all Over the WOrld tO cOme together in Our beautiful space tO share their music and talents. PrOducers…? DJ Werdhttps://soundcloud.com/dj-werd ColDriphttps://soundcloud.com/coldrip...