Sound Night 12: Brane Zorman

Sound Night 12: Brane Zorman

Sound Night 12: Brane Zorman LU-na MO-on reflectby Brane Zorman, Friday, 11 October 2019, 21:15 – 22:15 Since we were born and from which...
Open Scores Workshop – Moments of Autonomy

Open Scores Workshop – Moments of Autonomy

Moments of AutonomySAT 12 October 2019, Workshop, 11am–5pmAs part of the exhibition “OPEN SCORES – How to program the Commons” Think tank with Andrea Hubin (Kunsthalle Wien/Community...
Open Scores Workshop – Moments of Autonomy

Open Scores Talk – Thick Webs & Continuous Relays

Thick Webs & Continuous Relays: Feminist Epistemologies for the Digital CommonsDiscussion with Isabel de SenaFRI 11 October 2019, Discussion, 7pm – 9pmAs part of the exhibition “OPEN SCORES – How to program the...
Open Scores Workshop – Moments of Autonomy

Open Scores Workshop – 0xdb film database

0xDBSAT 28 September 2019, Workshop, 11am–5pmSebastian Lütgert on the 0xdb film database.As part of the exhibition “OPEN SCORES – How to program the Commons” Launched in 2007, the film...
Open Scores Workshop – Moments of Autonomy

Open Scores Talk – Film as Digital Object

Pirate Cinema Special FRI 27 September 2019, Talk and Screening, 9pm – midnightAs part of the exhibition “OPEN SCORES – How to program the Commons” 21:00 Film as Digital ObjectSebastian...