Feb 22, 2020 | Café
CUMBIA NENA VOL 3 La cumbia vuelve a la pista del Panke! Una nueva edición de Cumbia Nena vuelve por su tercera edición, vení a cantar las cumbias del recuerdo y tomar unos fernet con coca. Esta vez con la DJ Argentina Piti Vaccari Podés escucharla en...
Jan 10, 2020 | Café
Dimension Latina Diskohengst ( Das Zündet, Kreyol)Nave Migratoria (Vinileros del Trópico)Edna Martinez ( El Volcan, Latin Arab, Kreyol) As the name suggets, ‘Dimension Latina’ is meant to be a night full of latinamerican sounds, catching the variety of...
Oct 12, 2019 | Café
Calle Mambo is a band that in his compositions combine the folk rhythms of the Andes, of Colombia to Chile, from Cumbia to a Carnavalito, from Afrolatina Percussion to its typical instruments of the Andes, with a fat, urban, modern and tribal sound. The beautiful...