Jul 29, 2021 | Café
Come thru and shake it with us to some funky beats by our finest HipHop DJs in town!Special Album Release Session w/ MetabolismWillst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier bouncen?Dann pack deine...
Jul 4, 2020 | Café
The Urban Base Community is hosting Jams twice a month on Wednesdays at Panke in Wedding,Berlin. We welcome you to join us. Vocalists and instrumentalists this is the perfect place to collaborate and create bands. Artists and music lovers this is for you.July 22nd @8...
Mar 1, 2020 | Café
We’re back with more 140bpm bassweight at Panke on the 27th of march! Our first event of the decennium features an extensive line-up of well-seasoned producers & DJ’s: Gourmet Beats head honcho Joe Nice will bring back his exclusive dubplates alongside...
Feb 20, 2020 | Café
?流れに打ち勝つ ?We will be inviting different Hip HOp, JaZz, LOfi, HOuse… Beatmakers PrOducers frOm Berlin and all Over the WOrld tO cOme tOgether in Our beautiful space tO share their music and talents. PrOducer…? tikOgO https://soundcloud.com/tikogo Brazil...
Feb 15, 2020 | Café
The Urban Base Community is hosting Jams twice a month on Wednesdays at Panke in Wedding,Berlin. We welcome you to join us. Vocalists and instrumentalists this is the perfect place to collaborate and create bands. Artists and music lovers this is for you. March 4th @8...