LineUp: Kid Soldier vs Hiding John SnakeHeadRhyme vs DeeLah Shizu vs Vorstadtflokati Bonus Battles: Robscure vs Bong Teggy (90 Sec Rounds) Indoor Stan (Bars vs. Herr K.) Kato r2k vs Mr. Whyte (Fußball Bars) We’re back Am 04.07.20 sind wir in der Panke!Wir freuen...
Don’t Let The Label Label You+ DU & DEINE LINESCoEvent#6 Doors open: 15:00 Uhr @ Panke! LineUp: – in the making…- MCs meldet Euch! Safe the date. // Tell all your friends. Peace!
Title: DLTLLY // Open Air // FREE Event (Newcomer Battles) Location: Panke culture, Gerichtstraße 23, 13347 Berlin, Germanyw Link out: Click here Description: Am 30/08 machen wir unser erstes FREE Open Air Battle Event in Berlin! Wir verkünden die Location ein paar...
PANKE supports edgy creativity that happens away from mainstream culture. Anything that we believe needs more exposure than it currently receives.
Open Wed - Sat from 18:00 until open-end