Oct 27, 2020 | Café
Let’s get some positive vibes at the end of this crazy 2020, let’s have some good old Reggae in Wedding at Panke bar.Just this time not on Thursday, but on Friday.Limited number of people allowed, masks required, sanitiser and a sweet Jamaican music provided by...
Feb 17, 2020 | Café
After a short break REGGAE IN WEDDING is BACK at the Panke Bar, the Jamaican music session with Black Mountain in combination with DJ Genys and friends. High rotation on the turntables with the best tunes from the island. A Jamaican music evolution 5 hours long...
Nov 20, 2019 | Café
BLACK MOUNTAIN, GENYS and special guest YUGO T Every last Thursday of the month at Panke, the Jamaican music station with Black Mountain in combination with DJ Genys and friends. 3 years bash selection!High rotation pon the turntables with the big tunes from the...