
Screening of Green Lies (2014)


SCOPE SESSIONS is pleased to invite you to the screening of the italian documentary “Green Lies” (green lies) by Smk Videofactory which will take place at 7pm on Sunday, the 8th of February at Panke.

Entrance is FREE
We will count with part of the team behind the documentary for discussion after the screening.

Green Lies (2014) by SMK Videofactory

The advent of renewable Energy sources represents an authentic economic and cultural devolution, that can liberate humanity from the limit, which it has faced for decades, of an energy production regime based on fossil fuels, with all the geopolitical, health and economic consequences that accompanies it. But the development of renewable energy sources in Italy however is showing several important anomalies, that run the risk of ruining the very same virtuous mechanisms that renewable Energy could set in motion.
“Green Lies” brings these anomalies to light, showing how in most cases they have been exasperated by operations of economic speculation and how, in many cases, they have negative effects on local territories and populations. We went to meet local committees in three different territories: Camugnano (BO) for eolic production, Salento (LE) for solar production and monte Aiata (Tuscany) for geothermic production.
Three stories which will help us to enter into the problem and outline a few possible solutions. In the awareness that renewable energy sources may truly represent an energetic and cultural revolution, but only if they become a means available to all and not just a profit-mechanism for some.


“Green Lies. The dirty side of clean energy” started as a completely self-produced documentary, through a campaign of popular co-production on the portal of Produzioni dal Basso and registered with a Creative Commons 4.0 non commercial licence.


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