
Scope Session #34 – July 10th 2014


Speakers at our next Scope Sessions:

+Miller Puckette
+Bruno Bez

Thursday, 10th of July 2014
doors open at 7:00pm (19:00 Uhr)
talks start: 8pm (20:00 Uhr)

Panke, Gerichstr 23, Hof 5, Wedding, 13347 Berlin



We would like to express our thanks to Troikatronix, creators of Isadora, for sponsoring Scope Session


Miller Puckette – How to have fun with a six channel guitar pickup


Miller Puckette is best known as the author of the Max/MSP and Pure Data software environments, which
are widely used in electronic music and the electronic arts. He usually teaches music at the University of California, San Diego, but is now a guest professor at TU Berlin. He performs with the Convolution Brothers and in a duo with the singer Juliana Snapper.

Puckette demonstrates what happens when you put individual pickup coils on each string of your guitar, opening up a wide range of sonic possibilities beyond what you can get out of an ordinary pickup. Techniques like filtering and distortion can be applied to the signals before they’re mixed. This makes it possible to get results that are both rich sounding and precisely controllable. The software to do this is open source, free to download.




Quadrature is a group of three former designers who combine their very specific personal skills to create complex systems for highly technolgical installations.
Jan Bernstein concentrates on the creative implementation of physical and functional aspects into Quadrature’s work. His substantial practical expertise fertilizes his artistic research in materials and fine mechanics. Influenced by his specialty, Jan’s creative approach is concentrated and structured, keeping every detail in mind in order to formulate the ideal aesthetic and conceptional expression.
Sebastian Neitsch rather employs experimental and assiociative methods in order to achieve innovative and intuitiv systems and thoughts for Quadrature’s conceptual and artistic vision.While his focus is on the digital world – including everything concerning code, electronics and new technologies – he considers teamwork and communication as the perfect source to generate creative output and solutions.
Juliane Götz: is the latest member of Quadrature and fills the missing link between hardware based pragmatism and digital utopics in Quadrature’s projects. Her design and handcraft skills as fashion designer are combined with the abiltiy to quickly understand and implement new dynamic workflows and structures into the group.
They all share a love for machines and outer space.


Bruno Bez – From a visual journey into another dimension

Born in the beautiful island Florianópolis, south of Brazil, visualist Bruno Bez began his career through new media creations around boardsports since 15 years old. His first films and productions focused on enhancing the appeal over environment, boardsports and artistic themes.

Since then he is diving deeper into handling audiovisual techniques as Vj and Filmaker with an accurate optic sense in order to introduce an immersive thematic presented by an hybrid reality and multiple means.

The direction and concepts depend strongly of the place and time, in each one of this corners, everything looks dramatically different surfing between glitches, fractal formulas and open source tools and several collab with others authentic artists.

Probably known mostly about his former old project called “Jonnyzeb” as surf movie producer, Bruno Bez has released a series of experimental boardsports movies with a good dose of imagination and a ludic taste from Brazil around the world.

Traveling, filming and producing in extreme places, Bez have being learning with his perspective inside of this creative universe doing visuals in your own way to express yourself.



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.