
Realtime Sound Design



„DIY synths in professional audio production & realtime sound design“
This workshop shows diferent approaches of integration of DIY synths and handmade instruments in a professional production process. Often there´s something instable and temporary in DIY machines and improvisation as a musical expression. It might act strange in a planned recording process. But in fact they have
a huge inherent creative potential, if we have the skills and methods to capture this moments. This is what this workshop is about, it should provide some ideas and room for discussion and
exchange. Diferent approaches and ideas are shown and practically demonstrated:
1. Composition and sound design with experimental sounds in real time
2. Recording and processing of sounds from DIY synths and transforming them into professional presets and libraries
3. Rhythmical transformation of drones from DIY synths

In point 1 is shown how using a computer, software, audio interface and Midi controllers can lead to an envorinment, which makes it possible to improvise with spontaneous sounds.
Sounds are recorded, transformed and layered, efects are controlled in realtime and are used as independent sound sources in itself.

Point 2 focuses less on realtime processing but more on the planning and post-processing of raw sound material. Here it is more the diferent point of view and a diferent dimension of
time which makes it posible to create unique sounds. Sounds can be transformed into playable instruments due to sampling technology and processed by methods of substractive
sound synthesis. In Point 3 so called drones from DIY synths are going to be transformed into rhythmical structures, split up into functional and frequency layers as part of one composition. What happens is that completely new compositions of sound appear, which were not visible like that before. This can lead to further ideas.


Burre in Panke 

BURRE’s fresh event is a presentation of continuous search for the new senses, showcasing an eclectic, yet effective combination of improvisational, performative practices including, but not limited by music medium.

Violinbwoy LIVE

A night featuring live arts, acoustic instruments and a spicy little surprise act alongside grooving rib-shaking bass music.


Enjoy experimental, eclectic and hard-hitting club sounds from asifeh, Assyouti, Jehia and more at this edition of No_Stone at Panke.