With September 1st the hot vibes don’t stop in Berlin –>
We’re excited to host the second Nyege Nyege Thursdays event Series in Panke on 1st September 2022!
Line up:
DON ZILLA (UG) https://www.instagram.com/donzillalion
HHY & the Kampala Unit https://jonathanulielsaldanha.com/
NSASI https://instagram.com/nsasi_ug
DJ Flo Moon https://www.instagram.com/dj_flo_moon
Florence Lugemwa https://www.instagram.com/florencelugemwa
Jonathan Uliel saldanha https://www.instagram.com/jonathan.uliel.saldanha
Natisa https://www.instagram.com/exoceexiste
Big love to:
Nyege Nyege https://www.instagram.com/nyegenyegefest &
Hakuna Kulala https://www.instagram.com/hakuna.kulala
These event series have been realised with the kind support of:
Der Initiative Music https://instagram.com/initiativemusik?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Der BKM https://instagram.com/bundeskultur?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Neustart Kultur https://instagram.com/neustart.sozio.kultur?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Stay in touch for further announcements and see you at Nyege Nyege Thursdays!