
MY LIFE by Michael Maier

Its a collection of video tapes recorded between 1999 and 2011 as a result of Michael’s dissatisfaction of still photography alone. These moving images were filmed by michael in NTSC and PAL. Most of the work has not been published yet.


Michael Maier, *25.12.1971
lived and worked as a fashion photographer in new york city, miami, los angeles and london.
started to work on moving images in 1999 by making a documentary film about a 90 year old jewish immigrant poet in los angeles. now being represented by camerapress in london, michael decided to let a collection of video tapes tell the story of his life. an installation.
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R9FIA Takeover: Foot Therapy

Born in uncharted realm of the internet, R9FIA RADIO’s spark started to burst forth with a dedication to showcasing innovative sounds and genres that push the boundaries of electronic music.


Algomystica is an event series focused on experimental performance practices merging a broad range of scope and interests, spanning from computer music, to free improvisation, augmented and prepared acoustic instruments, live coding, circuit bending and everything in between.


We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.