31 Oct 24
7:30 pm

Memphis Gangsta Rave III

Dieses Halloween laden wir wieder alle Mystiker, Alchemisten, Hochverräter, Henker, Giftmischer, Formwandler, Meister wie Novizen, männlich, weiblich und nichtbinärer Natur, zum Hexenball in Berlin!

Katzenbuckel Click Caramelo Skinny Finsta Kleine Kova Plattenlieferant Pako Peng Macksta C Dr. Törner Esumi Clizzod Unfug Abla Cizzvrp DJ Source Bielefeld Murder Boys

Doors 19:30

Rave 00:00

Konzert + Rave VVK 25€ (+gebühren)

Rave 13€ (nur Abendkasse)

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Algomystica is an event series focused on experimental performance practices merging a broad range of scope and interests, spanning from computer music, to free improvisation, augmented and prepared acoustic instruments, live coding, circuit bending and everything in between.


We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.

AL.Berlin Present: Club Night at Panke

We’re kicking off the new Gregorian year with a bass-filled night you don’t want to miss! AL.Berlin is thrilled to bring you a high-energy lineup featuring the best from Cairo and Berlin’s club scenes.