
HitYaWitThat Scratch Session – Birthday Edition #4

We are happy to announce and celebrate the 4th anniversary of the HitYaWitThat Scratch Session.To get you in the mood, we will start out early with a big live scratch session. For the listener’s pleasure later on we’ll host various Beatmakers and DJs blessing us with their sets.Don’t miss out on this, just drop by, celebrate and party with us!

Beatmakers for the Night:

Thelonious Coltrane ( Digging Around The Minds Flava / Frankfurt )
>> https://soundcloud.com/dertheocoltrane
>> https://dertheo.bandcamp.com/

tikOgO ( Dezi-Belle / Brazil/ Berlin/ 〇uterSp∆cE..)
>> https://soundcloud.com/tikogo
>> https://dezi-belle.bandcamp.com/album/agua
>> https://vimeo.com/tikogobeatz

Guvibosch ( Berlin )
>> https://soundcloud.com/guvi
>> https://guvibosch.bandcamp.com/
>> http://www.youtube.com/user/guvibosch1/videos

DJ Sets:
HitYaWitThat Crew
(Djeez – Hifillab – ScratchOne – Redblunted)

Mixtapes & Recordings:
>> https://soundcloud.com/hityawitthat
>> www.hityawitthat.com

Watch Latest Reviews:
>> www.youtube.com/user/hityawitthat


version x TEKLIFE

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ANDRIUS MAMONTOVAS su grupe | Berlynas

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