
Head Dance with Sky Mics

An unconventional performative experience of human interaction, confronting identity with humor, dialogue, music, dance, light, and visual art to reveal the stories deeply rooted within us.

Are first impressions misconceptions? Can we feel in frequency? Maybe, maybe not?

trailer// https://youtu.be/25zBu5LNap4

entrance fee: 8€
starts at: 7pm

Direction & Concept: Sarah Grether
Light Design: Luise Graeff
Music Design: Kohshi Kamata
Video Art: Wieland Hilker
Choreography, script, live music & performance with and from:
Sarah Nevada Grether, Maria Novella Tattanelli, Stephan Quinci, Vanessa Cokaric, Alessandro Tomaselli, Sara Paracchini, Lucie Aron
Open Discussion Moderation: Anatol Hartmann
Live Painter: Anna Matheja
Fashion: Frauke Phoenix


Eine unkonventionelle performative Erfahrung menschlicher Interaktion. Identität wird durch Humor, Dialog, Musik und Tanz so erschlossen, dass tief in uns verborgene Geschichten zu Tage treten.

Sind erste Eindrücke Missverständnisse? Können wir in Frequenzen, also auf der sprichwörtlichen (un)gleichen Wellenlänge fühlen? Vielleicht, vielleicht nicht?

trailer// https://youtu.be/25zBu5LNap4

Eintritt: 8€
Beginn: 19h

Regie & Konzept: Sarah Grether
Lichtdesign: Luise Graeff
Musikdesign: Kohshi Kamata
Video-Installationen: Wieland Hilker
Choreographie, Skript, Live-Musik & -Performance mit und von:
Sarah Nevada Grether, Maria Novella Tattanelli, Stephan Quinci, Vanessa Cokaric, Alessandro Tomaselli, Sara Paracchini, Lucie Aron
Moderation Offene Diskussion: Anatol Hartmann
Live-Zeichnerin: Anna Matheja
Kostüm: Frauke Phoenix


version x TEKLIFE

A night blending the sounds of footwork and bass music, featuring Loefah of Swamp81.

ANDRIUS MAMONTOVAS su grupe | Berlynas

Lithuanian musician and artist Andrius Mamontovas is preparing an energetic evening, during which not only popular, but also the most rock-fuelled songs of the artist and the group FOJE will be performed.

Violinbwoy LIVE

A night featuring live arts, acoustic instruments and a spicy little surprise act alongside grooving rib-shaking bass music.