14 May 23
8:00 pm

Fog Juice presents: FOGSTARZ

Cowboy Blau (Live)
🤠😈This Berlin based artist has performed in clubs and festivals across Europe and has been performing consistently in Berlin clubs under multiple aliases since 2019 after studying in the performance arts. Cowboy blau pulls you into his curated pop fantasy world with wild energy, live vocals, and a vibrant pop aesthetic with digital art.🤠😈
Amy Crush (Live)
💫💜amy crush takes you on her emotional rollercoaster of t4t love and dysphoria. her angelic cyborg voice is carried by hard and bubbly pop beats with sprinkles of celestial athmospheres.💫💜
M3C (Popcore – Live)
🍭🌈Known for her kawaii universe with crazy club sounds and her deadly performances, M3C is a mix between a Barbie and an AK47 – something probably created by a superior space power.”🍭🌈
Stacey X (Live + DJ)
☠️💙🌟🧨Stacey Xxxxxx ! 💞🧨😝
Two powerpuff gurlz going faster than your classic Berlin BPM , One kill the dancefloor with some trance invasion , the other pump the beat with her vocal laserblast . A french duo that gonna wake u up from the dead 💀 💞 expect nightcore/ breakcore/ trance tornadoe and StaceyX’s ultimate weapons
⚡️🎧just a frenchie in love with breaks who recalls the distant days of UK raves, where bass music mixes with a raw jungle ⚡️🎧
Good Girl Aggie (Live)
💕💕She’s Good Girl Aggie aka your boyfriend’s favourite Neukölln pop star. Hope you’re ready to catch feelings 💕💕
Wikihow Adventure Cruise (Live)
🛳💧Glossy, emotional vapour-pop. Wikihow Adventure Cruise’s songs bring together wide-eyed optimism, digital dysphoria and melancholy 🛳💧
lokik (live)
🦌🌲Heavy blend of cyberpunk and mysticism, lokik’s music is a powerful yet detailed sonic experience, in between ethereal soundscapes and agressive bass music 🦌🌲
s1m0nc3ll0 (DJ)
🍒🐸Mordork, soundclown, Smashupper, lounge ibiza bass , VIP Kore , epic trance , fidget , bloghouse, indie-electro vibez.🍒🐸
allen_paisley (VJ + Videogame)
🐬🌀Allen paisley will debut a new game ‘a humble abode for confectionary fairies and the subservient handypeople who live to serve their saccharine overlords’ with Ines hilz and sounds by chris wratt 🐬🌀
Presales: https://ra.co/events/1691846



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.