This week we are happy to have Radio Masive gang back to Panke! The old school junglists among you may remember the name from the mid-90’s, where “Radio Massive” became Germany’s first regular FM broadcast featuring the new sounds of the UK. 25 years later, the original jungle sound is still alive and kickin’!
DJ Bassdee (Radio Massive, Hard:edged)
Bassdee’s musical journey dates back to the late 80’s, where he witnessed firsthand the transformation of Berlin’s industrial and techno scene. He was heavily influenced by the then newly-established HardWax store – who were among the first to begin importing the sounds of Detroit, Chicago & New York, thus playing a vital role in establishing the dark, futuristic sound which became notorious in Berlin at the dawn of the 90’s.
As the sound continued to evolve – with the UK jungle mania reaching Germany in the early 90’s – Radio Massive was born! From 1994-1998 the show was broadcast every Monday on, featuring renowned guests from the UK, as well as nurturing and promoting fresh talent from Berlin and around Germany. As a founding member of the Hard:edged nights, Bassdee was constantly at the forefront of the Berliner jungle scene, and can be described as a true veteran!
DJ Feed (Radio Massive, Exponence)
Bass Terror member, Hard:Edged founder, Radio Massive co-host and Exponence originator, DJ Feed has been one of the most influential and driving forces behind the Berlin Drum and Bass scene since the early nineties, and has been keeping the pulse of deep innovation and relentless futurism in music and nightlife constantly on its toes. His ultra-funky DJ-style, turning even the most complex breaks into instant rewind material, still thrills floors whenever he appears for one of his elusive sets.
DJ Bleed (Radio Massive, Exponence, De:Bug)
Part of the legendary exponence and Radio Massive Crew – who were among the first to bring the sounds of Jungle music to Berlin in the early to mid-90’s, brought their regular broadcast “Radio Massive” on Bleed will be spinning some classics and rare gems from their extensive collections! Bleed also known cause of his great work at De:Bug the Magazin legendary magazin for music and technology.
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LAST RESORT with Kamixlo, Entrañas, King Kami, Microhm & Basy Tropikalne
Continuing its mission from the debut year, LAST RESORT is back with the first event in 2025 featuring artists exploring different corners of modern club music.
Hildashaus Fundraising Event
Expect performances, workshops, an art exhibition, DJ sets, delicious food, and a vibrant market featuring local initiatives—all created with love and care.
Join us for our “Goma Relief” fundraising night to support our dear friend Chrisman’s family in Goma, Eastern Congo.