14 Jan 23
10:00 pm

Disko International #12 feat. MUNE_RA

*** The DISKO INTERNATIONAL – a safe place for dancing to good music from all over the world. For Everyone. All Night Long.

Funk | Tropical | Rare Groove | Afro | Reggae | Dub | Disco | Boogie | Soul | From East, West, North, South and all the places and spaces in between. ***
It’s the start of 2023! DI#12 DISKO INTERNATIONAL regular dance returns once more to our favorite lil dancefloor in North Berlin: PANKE. For the first session of 2023 we’re so happy to have the return of guest especial: Hamburg fluid funk champ MUNE RA!!!
Good grooves come in many different forms and MUNE_RA loves them all. Regular DI dance attendees may remember him from the infamous table dancing afrobeat madness of Disko International #2. His Body Movement infectious Dj selections and skills, as well as a keen ear for massive tunes past, present and future make him a welcome DI addition to our dancefloor. Of course, there will be so much great dancing music from all over the world, and a whole lot of fun. So lets get through this winter the right way: Together!
DISKO INTERNATIONAL cabin crew Soulix, Lucky Loop and Kava providing extra heavy tunage, on site customer support, drink recommendations and (questionable) fashion advice.

Mune_Ra: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2eKNDW3CtNE
Disko International: https://www.instagram.com/disko_international/
Lucky Loop: https://soundcloud.com/luckyloopberlin
Soulix: https://soundcloud.com/soulix
Kava: https://www.mixcloud.com/DJkava/



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.