
Deck 2 Deck // South Africa Edition

Deck 2 Deck lädt Freitag, den 02. August, in die Panke ein für unsere wöchentliche Vinyl Session.
Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen, ein paar Runden Tischtennis spielen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier mies bouncen?
Dann pack deine Schallplatten / Equipment ein und schau bei uns ab 18 Uhr vorbei.

———————- (English version below)—————————
Deck 2 Deck invites you to come to our weekly vinyl session on friday, Augst 2nd.
You wanna try your freshly purchased records, meet new DJs, play some rounds of tabletennis or simply bounce to your after-work beer?
Then pack your records / equipment and come over at 6pm.


18:00 – 23:00 – Open vinyl session
23:00 – 02:00 – Special Guest DJ Akio + Friends
02:00 – 04:00 – Open vinyl session


CMY. Flow
DJ Akio (SA)
DJ Metabolism

– All Beatmaker, DJs, MCs & Music Lovers Welcome –

Musikstyles: HipHop, Rap, Lo-Fi, Funk, Soul, Jazz, Ambiente, Grime, Dubstep, Drum&Bass, Footwork

Pay What You Want – Donations welcomed


version x TEKLIFE

A night blending the sounds of footwork and bass music, featuring Loefah of Swamp81.

ANDRIUS MAMONTOVAS su grupe | Berlynas

Lithuanian musician and artist Andrius Mamontovas is preparing an energetic evening, during which not only popular, but also the most rock-fuelled songs of the artist and the group FOJE will be performed.

Violinbwoy LIVE

A night featuring live arts, acoustic instruments and a spicy little surprise act alongside grooving rib-shaking bass music.