Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen, ein paar Runden Tischtennis spielen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier bouncen?
Dann pack deine Schallplatten / Equipment ein und schau in dem Panke Garten am 28.06 ab 15 Uhr vorbei. BEGRENZTER EINTRITT AN DER TÜR———————- (English version below)—————————You wanna try your freshly purchased records, meet new DJs, play some rounds of tabletennis or simply bounce to your after-work beer?
Then pack your records / equipment and come over on the 28th of June to the Panke garden area up from 3pm.DJsCMY.Flow (Dezi-Belle)
Dave Diggla
Wall RaRap Support by DoubleUD & our Host Metabolism– All Beatmaker, DJs, MCs & Music Lovers Welcome – Musikstyles: HipHop, Rap, Lo-Fi, Funk, Soul, Jazz, Ambiente, Grime, Dubstep, Drum&Bass, Footwork3€ EntranceStay safe, bring a mask and keep distance
All Artwork credit goes to Ed Piskor
version x TEKLIFE
A night blending the sounds of footwork and bass music, featuring Loefah of Swamp81.
ANDRIUS MAMONTOVAS su grupe | Berlynas
Lithuanian musician and artist Andrius Mamontovas is preparing an energetic evening, during which not only popular, but also the most rock-fuelled songs of the artist and the group FOJE will be performed.
Burre in Panke
BURRE’s fresh event is a presentation of continuous search for the new senses, showcasing an eclectic, yet effective combination of improvisational, performative practices including, but not limited by music medium.