
Deck 2 Deck // All Night Long!

Deck 2 Deck // 6 PM – 2 AM

Deck 2 Deck lädt Mittwoch, den 04.04, in die Panke ein für unsere wöchentliche Vinyl Session.
Willst du deine frisch gekauften Platten ausprobieren, neue DJs kennenlernen oder einfach zu deinem Feierabendbier mies bouncen?
Dann pack deine Schallplatten / Equipment ein und schau ab 18 Uhr bei uns vorbei.
———————- (English version below)—————————
Deck 2 Deck invites you to join us on Wednesday, the 4th of April for our weekly vinyl session.
You wanna try your freshly purchased records, meet new DJs or simply bounce to your after-work beer?
Then pack your records / equipment and come over at 6pm.

– All Beatmaker, DJs, MCs & Music Lovers Welcome –

Musikstyles: HipHop, Rap, Lo-Fi, Soul, Jazz, Ambiente, Grime, Dubstep, Drum&Bass, Footwork

Pay What You Want – Donations welcomed



Starting from Chiptune with angry cool Game Boys blasting kicks and bloops to live and Dj sets in one night of performances and dancing.

“Dragstar” – Das Portemonnaie

Dragstar*, where glam meets gump in a dazzling homage. Inspired by David Bowies hauntingly beautiful farewell album, this event reimagines the cosmos through the lens of drag, gump, and unapologetic self-expression.

DLTLLY – OnBeatOnly 

The yearly OnBeatOnly event by DLTLLY returns to Panke with 9 written rap battles on beat, including the Title Match.