C-KiNO is an ongoing series of public media navigations. We combine “cinema hacking”, theater, community forums and occasional psychomagic experiments to analyze ( and react to ) local and global situations. And we take aim for better possible worlds !
C-KiNO #55 is a special DOUBLE FEATURE, which combines research, media and analysis collected to investigate two topics: Ubermensch + Collective Art Identities. By mixing the two into one episode, we have the ability to debate the questions arising in a conflicted world where consumerism and hyper-individualism has lead to a planet out of balance, in continuous conflict and accelerating toward ecocide. Our only exit may lie in how we create together alternative methods+ structures for collaborative identity, i.e. operating together as a truly intelligent organism. One could argue that our current interconnected communications web is an early stage of such an entity, but 1. it omits the representation of all other interdependent species and 2. it’s increasingly becoming a corporate and military-owned beast, fixated on technological products. Artists + Activists with some experience in working beyond the limitations of individualist outputs and conventional art platforms might provide some ideas for a radical new life form to emerge.