
Ableton User Group Berlin Meeting


Dear AUGB-members,

We would like to invite you to our next meeting on Wednesday, January 13th, 2016 at the Panke: We are very glad to welcome Simon Hayes, a.k.a Swarm Intelligence.

Swarm Intelligence’s latest album “Rust” on Ad Noiseam” heavily features the use of field recordings, with a focus on found metal objects and abandoned spaces. Please checkhttps://adnoiseam.bandcamp.com/album/rust

In the next meet-up, he will take us through the selection of microphones and techniques he uses to accomplish this (using Live 9 and Push 2) and build a track in the process.

Also a big THANK YOU to all musicians, artists, presenters, supporters, Panke and Ableton, who helped that we had so many and incredible meetings last year! We wish you happy holidays and look forward to meeting you all next year,
Donna Maya & Brian Smith

Date: Wedenesday, 13.01.2016
Time: 8 pm (on time!)
Admission: free
Location: Panke, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof V., close to S-Bahn Wedding.
Please check the website of Panke to make sure to find the place smile emoticon

Swarm Intelligence’s artist page: facebook.com/swarmintell

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Algomystica is an event series focused on experimental performance practices merging a broad range of scope and interests, spanning from computer music, to free improvisation, augmented and prepared acoustic instruments, live coding, circuit bending and everything in between.


We cordially invite you to the inaugural celebration of the Nasties, the space which transcends any concept of positivity and negativity.

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