
Ableton User Group Berlin Meeting


Let´s Link @ next Ableton user group Berlin meeting, Wednesday 10, February @ Panke, 8 pm

On the occasion of the release of Live 9.6 and LINK we take the focus on the next Ableton user group meeting in Berlin on the new feature that comes with it: LINK is a brand new technology that sync different devices over a wireless network.

This time we are very glad to welcome two presenters:
Florian Goltz is part of the developper team of LINK and will give us a short inside view about the technology and discuss all questions referring to it.
Rodi Kirk is a versatile producer, composer and performer, is up for giving a talk about the philosophical aspects of collaboration.

Aterwards we will test LINK all together. So please bring your laptops, iPads or iPhones, with Ableton Live 9.6 OR any iOs app that supports LINK – and important too – your cable (mini jack to RCA / Miniklinke-auf-Cinch-Kabel) to get connected to the mixer. All link-enabled iOs apps you can find here: https://www.ableton.com/en/link/apps/

We look forward to seeing you,
Maya & Brian

Date: Wednesday, 10.02.2016
Time: 8 pm (on time!)
Admission: free
Location: Panke, Gerichtstr. 23, Hof V., close to S-Bahn Wedding.


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