Time to celebrate – 10 Years Dezi-Belle Records.
21.04. (Thursday) – Beginn 20uhr
- warmup -dj WOX 20:00-21:00
- Don Philippe 21:00 – 21:30
- Rene Schier 21:30 – 22:00
- Johannes Onetake (BEATSET) 22:00 – 22:30
- Arcadehead 22:30-23:00
- Grzly Adams 23:45 – end
22.04. (Friday) – Beginn 19uhr
- warmup – dj marian tone 19:00 – 20:00
- Midan 20:00 – 20:45
- TribeGut 20:45 – 21:15
- Johannes Onetake (Rapset) 21:15 – 22:00
- Baronski & Ufa Palava 22:00 – 23:00
- Roboti Niro 23:00 – 23:30
- WOX 23:30 – 00:15
- Dj Mirko Machine 00:15 – end
23.04. (Saturday) – Beginn 19uhr
- warmup – dj Midan 19:00 – 20:30
- Anatolian Lover 20:30-21:00
- dEnk + Limido 21:00-21:45
- Natse FR 21:45-22:15
- Marian Tone + Trommel Tobi 22:15-22:45
- Oskar Hahn + Frank Schöpke 22:45-00:00
- Dj Robert Smith 00:00 – end
Hosted by Jessie Schmidt
Come early, the first guests will get a Dezibel-Belle Records Clipper lighter for free!
Because the Corona pandemic isn’t over it’s a 2G+ party. Please bring a valid test and proof of your vaccination.
15€ each day or 30€ for the whole festival
Tickets pre-sale: https://goout.net/en/10-years-dezi-belle-records/szesogt/